September 27, 2023
Contact: Maryland Department of Transportation Office of Public Affairs
David Broughton, 410-865-1029 or Jim Joyner, 410-865-1030
WHAT: Representatives from the Maryland Department of Transportation will meet with Caroline County officials to discuss the agency’s Draft FY 2024-2029 Consolidated Transportation Program, which details a $21.2 billion, six-year capital budget investment in the state’s transportation network. The meeting is part of the department’s tour of 23 Maryland counties and Baltimore City. Maryland Transportation Secretary Paul J. Wiedefeld and other officials will outline the state’s investment plan and discuss Caroline County’s transportation priorities.
WHO: Maryland Transportation Secretary Paul J. Wiedefeld
State Highway Administrator William Pines
Motor Vehicle Administrator Chrissy Nizer
Maryland Transportation Authority Planning and Program Development Director Melissa Williams
Maryland Transit Administration Local Transit Support Director Travis Johnston
Maryland Aviation Administration Regional Aviation Director Ashish Solanki
WHEN: 10 a.m. Tuesday, October 3, 2023
WHERE: Health and Public Services Building, 403 South 7th St., Room 111, Denton
Watch the meeting live: https://www.carolinemd.org/667/Live-Meetings
WHY: Each fall, the Maryland Department of Transportation presents its draft six-year capital program to Maryland counties and Baltimore City for review and comment. After gathering input from local jurisdictions, the Draft 2024-2029 Consolidated Transportation Program will be finalized later this fall, and the final plan will be submitted to the Legislature in January for consideration during the 2024 General Assembly session. To view the Draft 2024-2029 Consolidated Transportation Program, go to www.ctp.maryland.gov. For a complete list tour dates, times and locations, click here. Follow the Draft 2023 Consolidated Transportation Program tour at @MDOTNews on Twitter and Facebook.