Is your site transit-supportive? MDOT is here to help you identify opportunities to improve connectivity, and to plan for improvements near our station areas. Following are some key resources we have developed to help inform your TOD agenda.
The MDOT Office of Planning and Capital Programming has worked with the Maryland Department of Planning (MDP) to develop:
The Maryland Transit Station Area Profile Tool is an interactive map that compiles key socio-economic, demographic, land-use and transit-access information for all of Maryland’s current and planned fixed rail stations. and
The Maryland TOD Models and Guidelines Resources (Both developed and supported by MDP).
MDOT OPCP can also help inform critical bicycle and pedestrian access components of your TOD Strategy.
For more information regarding Program Design contact Fred Lippert, Deputy Director, Planning and Programming at or 410-767-3027.
MDOT may be able to provide technical assistance to identify state resources, improve connectivity, or support planning/feasibility studies for TOD.
For more information regarding TOD, contact David Zaidain, AICP, Chief, Real Estate & Transit Oriented Development at or 410-865-1050.
The Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) Capital Grant and Revolving Loan Fund (“TOD Fund”) provides financial assistance to local jurisdictions and development partners to promote the equitable and inclusive development of transit-oriented development at State-designated TOD sites. Applications for the Fund are now open from February 5, 2025 until April 8, 2025 at 5 p.m. There is $5 million available for FY25 and applicants are eligible for a total award of up to $1 million. MDOT will host informational webinars on February 14 and March 4. For more details, please review the Notice of Funding Opportunity and program webpage. Any inquiries regarding the TOD Fund should be directed to