Chapter 30 Scoring Model 


Pursuant to Chapter 30, Acts of 2017 (Senate Bill 307), the Maryland Department of Transportation (MDOT) “shall, in accordance with federal transportation requirements, develop a project–based scoring system for major transportation projects using the goals and measures established under [Transportation Article 2-103.7(c)]” being considered for inclusion in the Consolidated Transportation Program (CTP). The transportation scoring law, as amended in 2017, defines a “major transportation project” as a highway or transit capacity project that exceeds $5,000,000, and excludes any “projects that are solely for system preservation.”


The Chapter 30 scoring model evaluates projects across nine goals and twenty-three measures, that were established in statute, using a combination of project data, modeling analysis, and qualitative questionnaires. A project application process has been established requiring county and municipalities to request major transportation projects to ensure the necessary project information and priorities is provided to conduct the scoring.

Each major transportation capacity project being considered for funding and inclusion in the CTP is evaluated through the Chapter 30 scoring model and ranked based on the score. The project rank is then one of many factors that contribute to the decision of what projects to select for funding and inclusion in the CTP. Please see the Chapter 30 Technical Guide below for more details about the scoring model as well as implementation policies and process.

Application Process

All counties and municipalities requesting that any transit or highway capacity project over $5 million, that is not currently funded in the CTP Construction Program, be considered for funding in the upcoming CTP's must submit project application(s) through the Chapter 30 Project Application Web Portal link below by March 1st each year in order for MDOT to consider the project for funding in the CTP.

Project Application Web Portal

Resource Documents