The Maryland Department of Transportation’s (MDOT) Office of Active Transportation and Micromobility (OATM) is collaborating with partners to implement Complete Streets statewide. The Model Complete Streets Initiative is an opportunity for all MDOT modes to collaborate on critical transportation infrastructure needs that advance Maryland as a national leader towards its traffic safety and carbon reduction goals.

Defining Active Transportation

Using human-powered means of travel, which includes walking and bicycling with or without the use of mobility aids and may also include using other human-scaled or micro-mobility devices that may be electric-powered or electric-assisted, such as e-bikes and e-scooters.

Active Transportation & Micromobility Priorities


Prioritize vulnerable users in policies and programs.


Improve access to transportation for everyone.

Mode Shift

Expand options for convenient non-motorized travel.

What is “Complete Streets?”

As a Philosophy – The Idea
  • An approach to plan, design, and construct streets that are safe for all users.
  • Emphasizes the needs of underserved and vulnerable users.
  • Complements Vision Zero strategy through safer roads and safer speeds.
As a Place – The Destination
  • Accessible
  • Safe
  • Active
As a Mode – The Journey
  • Connects to opportunity – Taking You Places!
  • Convenient to use
  • Resilient