Maryland Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee
The present-day Maryland Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee (MBPAC) was formed in December 1991 as the Bicycle Advisory Committee (Chapter 624, Acts of 1991). In July 2000, the Committee became the Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory
Committee (Chapter 670, Acts of 2000). The Committee advises State government agencies on issues directly related to bicycling and pedestrian activity including funding, public awareness, safety and education (Code Transportation Article, sec.
The twenty-two member committee is appointed by the Governor, combining the experience of citizens with the expertise of representatives from nine State agencies (Chapter 443, Acts of 2009). Committee members represent geographical regions
throughout the State and specific interests, including those of visually and mobility impaired individuals.
Focus Areas
MBPAC has three focus areas for promoting bicycle and pedestrian activities:
1. Mode of Transportation – Promotes non-motorized modes as healthy, efficient, and environmentally-friendly ways to travel for work and for fun.
2. Education and Awareness – Promotes activities, programs and policies that foster bicycle and pedestrian safety education across all age groups; also promotes greater awareness of the mission and work of the MBPAC.
3. Tourism & Recreation – Promoting and protecting Maryland's off-road trail system while supporting Maryland State agencies, and providing guidance on program strategies that promote Maryland's trails
and tourism resources.
Additional MBPAC sub-committees to meet these focus areas include: Eastern Shore, Legislation, Pedestrians, and Trails.
Jon Morrison
State Representatives:
Maryland Department of Commerce: Liz Fitzsimmons
Department of Disabilities: Bong Delrosario
Maryland Department of Health: Ali Macstudy
Maryland Department of Natural Resources: Sandi Olek
Maryland Department of Planning: Brooks Phelps
Department of Transportation: Kandese Holford
Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission:
Michael Jackson
Maryland State Department of Education: Gabriel Rose
State Police: Lt Laura Beck
Baltimore Metropolitan Area: Matthew Hendrickson & VACANT
Eastern Shore: Patti Stevens
Southern Maryland: VACANT
The Washington Metropolitan
Area: Jim Titus, Ndegwa Kamau
Western Maryland: Sarah Myers
Mobility Impaired Representative: Marian Vessels
Visually Impaired Representatives: Andrew Lingelbach
At Large Representatives:
Nigel Samaroo, Kristy Daphnis, Antoine RJ Wright
Friday, January 10, 2025, 9AM-11AM
- Agenda
- Agenda for January 2025 is now final, please submit April agenda items for consideration by April 11, 2025 to or to any MBPAC committee member
- Slides for accepted agenda items will be due by January 3rd
- Join online with Microsoft Teams: 251 870 749 848 Code: 3xsyNQ
- Join by Phone: 443-409-5228 Phone Conference ID: 176 468 028#
Please note that public comment and questions about agenda items (up to 5 minutes) are always welcome during meeting.
- Friday, October 25, 2024, 9 AM | Agenda | Presentation
- Friday, July 26, 2024, 9 AM | Agenda | Minutes | Presentation
- Friday, May 3, 2024, 9 AM | Agenda | Minutes | Presentation
- Friday, January 26, 2024, 9 AM | Agenda | Minutes
- Friday, October 27, 2023: 9 AM | Agenda | BPMP Draft Outreach | MDOT Complete Streets | Fatal Crash Infrastructure Reviews | Minutes
- Friday, July 28, 2023: 9 AM | Agenda | Bike AAA Presentation | Minutes
- Friday, April 27, 2023: 9 AM | Agenda | City of Frederick MBPAC Presentation | 2050 Maryland Statewide Bicycle & Pedestrian Master Plan Presentation | Minutes
- Friday, January 27, 2023: 9 AM | Agenda | Minutes | Bikeways Presentation | Public Engagement Plan
2023 MBPAC Annual Report
2022 MBPAC Annual Report
2021 MBPAC Annual Report
2020 MBPAC Annual Report
2019 Meeting Minutes
2018 Meeting Minutes
2017 Meeting Minutes
For inquiries specific to MBPAC, contact:
For inquiries regarding bicycle and pedestrian activity on state roadways, contact: